

YouTube videos of these instructions can be found here.

1. Provide each player the amount of numbered cards as there are players.
Example: 4 players? Each player gets 4 of the numbered cards.

2. Place the deck of question cards face down in the center of the group.

3. The first player draws a card and reads it out loud to the group.

4. Each player uses one of the number cards to privately circle a score for themselves between 1 and 10  and sets that card, face down, to the side so no one can see the score. 

NOTE: Every player plays each round.  Each player uses one numbered card for themself and a separated numbered card for each and every other player. (example:  4 players?  4 numbered cards get filled out - one for yourself and one for every other player)    

A score of 1 means - does not apply or resonate with me
A score of 10 means - applies to me a lot!
Avoid answering with the number 5

A video of this step can be viewed here.

5. Next, each player circles a score (one per card) for every other player and gives that card anonymously, face down, to the player they wrote the score for.   Repeat by circling a score on a new card for each remaining player and provide that card to them. 

In other words, give every other player a numbered card with their personal score on it.

DO:  Score each player on how they present themselves
DONT: Answer how you think they will score themselves
DONT: Answer how you think they will answer. 

A video explaining this step can be found here. 

6. Each player then shares their personal score followed by reading the scores
provided to them by the other players.

A video of step 6 can be found here.

A few additional notes about playing 1 to 10 and Then..

Words and questions are intentionally ambigious and designed to raise important
“and Then..” questions and conversations.

Avoid using the number 5!   It forces players to take a position on the topic and makes for better game play.    This will be updated in future versions of the game. 

More honesty makes for better game play and better conversation. Complete
honesty based upon your initial ‘gut’ feeling works best. Again: Avoid 5’s!

After each round it helps to have a facilitator ask your friends what their ideal score might be.   Also aks what, if anything, is the obstacle for achieving that score.

After each round consider asking why did we score ourselves and each other the
way we did. Commonly called a “why ladder”, keep asking why we believe what
we do until there is no longer anything to explore.

If at any point you come up with a new question skip playing a card and ask your
question. There are no right or wrong answers and always stop for great conversation!

If you have suggestions for questions or comments and suggestions feel free to
write to us at